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[C언어] Red-Black Tree 본문


[C언어] Red-Black Tree

하루설렘 2021. 12. 9. 02:32

Red-Black Tree 개요

  • Self-balancing binary search tree ( tree의 height를 h = log2(N)으로 유지)
    • 이 외에도 AVL Tree, B-tree 등이 있다. 
  • BST (Binary Search Tree)와 동일한 원리 (key 대소 관계로 구성)
    • Red-Black tree의 경우, Node color / BH (black height)로 균형 유지 
  • 시간복잡도상 항상 O(logN)을 유지한다. (탐색/삽입/삭제)


Tree의 특징

아래의 특징은 그냥 균형을 맞추기 위해 필요한 조건이라고 보면 좋을 듯 하다. (그냥 받아들이면 된다.)

  1. Red/Black Property: Every node is colored, either red or black.
  2. Root Property: The root is black.
  3. Leaf Property: Every leaf (NIL) is black.
  4. Red Property: If a red node has children then, the children are always black.
  5. Depth Property: For each node, any simple path from this node to any of its descendant leaf has the same black-depth (the number of black nodes).



Red-Black Tree

Red-Black Tree In this tutorial, you will learn what a red-black tree is. Also, you will find working examples of various operations performed on a red-black tree in C, C++, Java and Python. Red-Black tree is a self-balancing binary search tree in which ea


구현 기능

  • rbtree struct 
    • root
    • nil : tree의 마지막 단이나 root의 부모를 하나의 'NIL'이라는 노드로 NULL을 대체한다. 
  • node_t struct 
    • color, key;
    • parent, left, right;
  • new_rbtree 함수 구현
    • calloc 이나 malloc으로 동적 메모리 할당 필요
      rbtree *new_rbtree(void)
        // 21.12.06 completed: initialize struct if needed
        rbtree *p = (rbtree *)calloc(1, sizeof(rbtree));
        node_t *NIL = (node_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(node_t));
        NIL->color = RBTREE_BLACK;  // 초기값 (property 3)
        p->nil = NIL;   // 초기값
        p->root = NIL;  // 초기값
        return p;
    • delete_node 구현 (할당된 메무리를 반환한다.)
      • tree의 후위순회를 하면서 삭제를 한다.
void delete_node(rbtree* t, node_t* n)
{ // 후위 순회를 이용하여 주소 할당된 것들을 삭제한다.
  if (n == t->nil){
  delete_node(t, n->left);
  delete_node(t, n->right);

void delete_rbtree(rbtree *t)
  // 21.12.06: reclaim the tree nodes's memory
  delete_node(t, t->root);


  • left_rotate 함수 구현 (right_rotate는 반대로 수정)
void left_rotate(rbtree *t, node_t *x)
  // x->right가 nil이 아니라는 가정 하에 함수 진행
  // x : rotate를 하는 축
  // y : x 의 오른쪽 자식
     /   \
   x.l    y
        /   \
      y.l   y.r

  node_t *y = x->right;
  x->right = y->left;  // x, y.l 연결

  if (y->left != t->nil)
    y->left->parent = x; // x, y.l 연결

  y->parent = x->parent; // x.p, y.p 대체하기
  if (x->parent == t->nil) // x가 root 인 경우
    t->root = y;
  else if (x == x->parent->left) // x가 왼쪽 자식인 경우
    x->parent->left = y;
  else   // x가 오른쪽 자식인 경우
    x->parent->right = y;
  y->left = x;  // y 왼쪽 자식에 x 연결해주기
  x->parent = y; // y 왼쪽 자식에 x 연결해주기


  • rbtree_insert 함수 구현
    1. 새로운 key 노드 (Z)를 동적 할당한다. 
    2. key의 위치가 될 노드를 while 반복문으로 찾아간다. (자식이 T->nil까지 접근한다면 while문 탈출)
    3. 부모의 left or right 노드로 설정
    4. Z의 노드값 초기화 (key, left = t->nil, right = t->nil)
    5. fix-up 진행
node_t *rbtree_insert(rbtree *t, const key_t key)
  // 21.12.06 completed: implement insert
  node_t *z = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));
  node_t *tmp_parent = t->nil;
  node_t *tmp_child = t->root;
  // key의 위치에 맞는 곳에 접근
  while (tmp_child != t->nil)
    tmp_parent = tmp_child;
    if (key < tmp_child->key)
      tmp_child = tmp_child->left;
      tmp_child = tmp_child->right; // key값이 같은 값이 들어가면 저장한다. 
  // z의 parent를 설정
  z->parent = tmp_parent; 
  // t에 root가 없을 경우
  if (tmp_parent == t->nil)
    t->root = z;
  // parent의 child를 설정
  else if (key < tmp_parent->key)
    tmp_parent->left = z;
    tmp_parent->right = z;
  //z값 초기화
  z->key = key;
  z->left = t->nil;
  z->right = t->nil;
  z->color = RBTREE_RED; // 레드트리 규칙
  rbtree_insert_fixup(t, z);
  return t->root;


  • rbtree_insert_fixup
    • Parent color가 Red인 경우
      1. uncle의 색이 Red인 경우, recoloring 특성 유지
      2. uncle의 색이 Black인 경우
        1. 직선형
        2. 삼각형
    • Parent color가 Black인 경우
      1. recoloring으로 해결
void rbtree_insert_fixup(rbtree *t, node_t *z)
  while (z->parent->color == RBTREE_RED)
    if (z->parent == z->parent->parent->left)
      node_t *uncle = z->parent->parent->right; //y = uncle을 의미함
      if (uncle->color == RBTREE_RED)
        z->parent->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        uncle->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        z->parent->parent->color = RBTREE_RED;
        z = z->parent->parent;
        if (z == z->parent->right)
          z = z->parent;
          left_rotate(t, z);
        z->parent->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        z->parent->parent->color = RBTREE_RED;
        right_rotate(t, z->parent->parent);
      node_t *uncle = z->parent->parent->left; //y = uncle을 의미함
      if (uncle->color == RBTREE_RED)
        z->parent->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        uncle->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        z->parent->parent->color = RBTREE_RED;
        z = z->parent->parent;
        if (z == z->parent->left)
          z = z->parent;
          right_rotate(t, z);
        z->parent->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        z->parent->parent->color = RBTREE_RED;
        left_rotate(t, z->parent->parent);
  t->root->color = RBTREE_BLACK;

전체 코드


#include "rbtree.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

rbtree *new_rbtree(void)
  // 21.12.06 completed: initialize struct if needed
  rbtree *p = (rbtree *)calloc(1, sizeof(rbtree));
  node_t *NIL = (node_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(node_t));
  NIL->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
  p->nil = NIL;
  p->root = NIL;
  return p;

void delete_node(rbtree* t, node_t* n)
  if (n == t->nil){
  delete_node(t, n->left);
  delete_node(t, n->right);

void delete_rbtree(rbtree *t)
  // TODO: reclaim the tree nodes's memory
  delete_node(t, t->root);

void left_rotate(rbtree *t, node_t *x)
  node_t *y = x->right;
  x->right = y->left;
  if (y->left != t->nil)
    y->left->parent = x;

  y->parent = x->parent;
  if (x->parent == t->nil)
    t->root = y;
  else if (x == x->parent->left)
    x->parent->left = y;
    x->parent->right = y;
  y->left = x;
  x->parent = y;

void right_rotate(rbtree *t, node_t *x)
  node_t *y = x->left;
  x->left = y->right;
  if (y->right != t->nil)
    y->right->parent = x;

  y->parent = x->parent;
  if (x->parent == t->nil)
    t->root = y;
  else if (x == x->parent->right)
    x->parent->right = y;
    x->parent->left = y;
  y->right = x;
  x->parent = y;

void rbtree_insert_fixup(rbtree *t, node_t *z)
  while (z->parent->color == RBTREE_RED)
    if (z->parent == z->parent->parent->left)
      node_t *uncle = z->parent->parent->right; //y = uncle을 의미함
      if (uncle->color == RBTREE_RED)
        z->parent->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        uncle->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        z->parent->parent->color = RBTREE_RED;
        z = z->parent->parent;
        if (z == z->parent->right)
          z = z->parent;
          left_rotate(t, z);
        z->parent->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        z->parent->parent->color = RBTREE_RED;
        right_rotate(t, z->parent->parent);
      node_t *uncle = z->parent->parent->left; //y = uncle을 의미함
      if (uncle->color == RBTREE_RED)
        z->parent->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        uncle->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        z->parent->parent->color = RBTREE_RED;
        z = z->parent->parent;
        if (z == z->parent->left)
          z = z->parent;
          right_rotate(t, z);
        z->parent->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        z->parent->parent->color = RBTREE_RED;
        left_rotate(t, z->parent->parent);
  t->root->color = RBTREE_BLACK;

node_t *rbtree_insert(rbtree *t, const key_t key)
  // 21.12.06 completed: implement insert
  node_t *z = (node_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(node_t));
  node_t *tmp_parent = t->nil;
  node_t *tmp_child = t->root;
  while (tmp_child != t->nil)
    tmp_parent = tmp_child;
    if (key < tmp_child->key)
      tmp_child = tmp_child->left;
      tmp_child = tmp_child->right;
  z->parent = tmp_parent;
  if (tmp_parent == t->nil) //초기값을 왜 여기에?
    t->root = z;
  else if (key < tmp_parent->key)
    tmp_parent->left = z;
    tmp_parent->right = z;

  z->key = key;
  z->left = t->nil;
  z->right = t->nil;
  z->color = RBTREE_RED;
  rbtree_insert_fixup(t, z);
  return t->root;

node_t *rbtree_find(const rbtree *t, const key_t key)
  node_t* temp = t->root;
  //21.12.06 completed: implement find
  while (temp != t->nil)
    if (temp->key > key)
      temp = temp-> left;
    else if (temp->key < key)
      temp = temp ->right;
      return temp;
  return NULL;

node_t *rbtree_min(const rbtree *t)
  // 21.12.06 completed: implement find
  node_t* temp_parent = t-> nil;
  node_t* temp_child = t->root;

  while (temp_child != t->nil)
    temp_parent = temp_child;
    temp_child = temp_child->left;
  return temp_parent;

node_t *rbtree_max(const rbtree *t)
  // 21.12.06 completed: implement find
  node_t* temp_parent = t->nil;
  node_t* temp_child = t-> root;
  while (temp_child != t->nil)
    temp_parent = temp_child;
    temp_child = temp_child->right;
  return temp_parent;

void rb_transplant(rbtree* t, node_t* u, node_t* v)
  if (u->parent == t->nil)
    t->root = v;
  else if (u == u->parent->left) 
    u->parent->left = v;
    u->parent->right = v;
  v->parent = u->parent;


node_t* tree_minimum(rbtree* t, node_t* z)
  node_t* temp_parent;
  node_t* temp_child = z;

  while (temp_child == t->nil)
    temp_parent = temp_child;
    temp_child = temp_child->left;
  return temp_parent;

void rb_delete_fixup(rbtree* t, node_t* x)
  node_t* w;
  while (x!= t->nil && x != t->root && x->color == RBTREE_BLACK)
    if (x == x->parent->left)
      w = x->parent->right;
      if (w->color == RBTREE_RED)
        w->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        x->parent->color = RBTREE_RED;
        left_rotate(t, x->parent);
        w = x->parent->right;
      if (w->left->color ==RBTREE_BLACK && w->right->color == RBTREE_BLACK)
        w->color = RBTREE_RED;
        x = x->parent;
        if (w->right->color == RBTREE_BLACK)
          w->left->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
          w->color = RBTREE_RED;
          right_rotate(t, w);
          w = x-> parent -> right;
        w->color = x->parent->color;
        x->parent->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        w->right->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        left_rotate(t, x->parent);
        x = t->root;
      w = x->parent->right;
      if (w->color == RBTREE_RED)
        w->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        x->parent->color = RBTREE_RED;
        left_rotate(t, x->parent);
        w = x->parent->right;
      if (w->left->color ==RBTREE_BLACK && w->right->color == RBTREE_BLACK)
        w->color = RBTREE_RED;
        x = x->parent;
        if (w->right->color == RBTREE_BLACK)
          w->left->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
          w->color = RBTREE_RED;
          right_rotate(t, w);
          w = x-> parent -> right;
        w->color = x->parent->color;
        x->parent->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        w->right->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
        left_rotate(t, x->parent);
        x = t->root;    
  x->color = RBTREE_BLACK;
int rbtree_erase(rbtree *t, node_t *z)
  // 21.12.06 completed: implement erase
  node_t* y = z; 
  node_t* x;
  color_t y_original_color = y->color;

  if (z->left == t->nil)
    x = z->right;
    rb_transplant(t, z, z->right);
  else if (z->right == t->nil) 
    x = z->left;
    rb_transplant(t, z, z->left);
    y = tree_minimum(t, z->right);
    y_original_color = y->color;
    x = y->right;
    if (y->parent == z)
      x->parent = y;
      rb_transplant(t, y, y->right);
      y->right = z->right;
      y->right->parent = y;
    rb_transplant(t, z, y);
    y->left = z->left;
    y->left->parent = y;
    y->color = z->color;
  if (y_original_color == RBTREE_BLACK);
    rb_delete_fixup(t, x);

int node_to_array(const rbtree* t, node_t *n, key_t *arr, int i){
  if (n == t->nil)
    return i; 

  i = node_to_array(t, n->left, arr, i);   //left recur
  arr[i++] = n->key;   //print
  i = node_to_array(t, n->right, arr, i);  //right recur
  return i;

int rbtree_to_array(const rbtree *t, key_t *arr, const size_t n)
  // 21.12.06 completed: implement to_array
  node_to_array(t, t->root, arr, 0);
  return 0;

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